One last hoorah!

This is the last XP.GG Competition and chance to win a console, before we announce our major news on our entirely new AAA questing mode.

XP.GG Winners

Rewarding our community

Do you really think we'd make AI images that look this bad? Here's a video on how to take better photos, aherm... looking at you community.

Photo of a person holding their prize and smiling.
Text displaying 'Winner @KRISTOZZI XP Gamertag' with CGI Coins in the background.
Photo of a person holding their prize and smiling.
"Text displaying 'Winner @DEATHSHEAD392 XP Gamertag' with black xbox console in the background."
Text displaying 'Winner @MIKEJO915 XP Gamertag' with Fortnite themed chairs in the background.
Photo of a person holding their prize and smiling.
Text displaying 'Winner @DARTHHJECJU XP Gamertag' with a Steam Deck visible in the background.
Photo of a person holding their prize and smiling.
Text displaying 'Winner @SWBRAINGAMES XP Gamertag' with  gaming chairs in the background.
Graphic promoting a monthly competition with the text 'Major Prize'.
Photo of a person holding their prize and smiling.
Text displaying 'Winner @TWON XP Gamertag' with Fortnite themed chairs in the background.
Text displaying 'Winner @TONY XP Gamertag' with ps5 controller in the background.
Photo of a person holding their prize and smiling.
Text displaying 'Winner @TWON XP Gamertag' with Fortnite themed chairs in the background.
Graphic promoting a monthly competition with the text 'Major Prize'.
Photo of a person holding their prize and smiling.
Text displaying 'Winner @MOIST_PUDDLE XP Gamertag' with CGI Coins in the background.
Person holding a PSP or portable Steam Deck in a gaming room with collectible toys on shelves, multiple Xbox controllers, and various musical instruments in the background.
Text displaying 'Winner @TONY XP Gamertag' with Fortnite themed chairs in the background.
Text displaying 'Winner @529GAMING XP Gamertag' with CGI Coins in the background.
Photo of a person holding their prize and smiling.
Graphic promoting a monthly competition with the text 'Major Prize'.
Text displaying 'Winner @TRAYGUY93 XP Gamertag' with  gaming chairs in the background.
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Still have questions or unsure? Head over to our discord to chat with our moderators who are happy to help and check out what the community is saying.

Do I need to pay anything?

Nope, you can enter into any of our gaming competitions and have a chance to win prizes for free. We also have a Premium version which unlocks better prizes.

Do I need to be good at gaming?

Nope, our challenges range in difficulty to make sure anyone can compete and have a chance to win. You're competing against yourself to complete challenges, not PVP so don't worry noob, it's ok you suck, we're gonna help get you good!

What can I win?

Participants have the chance to win prizes in each competition, these range from PS5 Slims, Xbox Series X, Steam Decks, V-Bucks and other great rewards.

How often are competitions?

Competitions run for different lengths, with new challenges introduced daily. It all falls within a season which lasts one month.

What type of odds do I have?

Just jump in and have a look at our different comps to see how many players have entered and completed tasks to get an idea of your odds.

What's the XP Battle Pass?

When you enter competitions and complete challenges, you'll earn XP, which level ups your XP Battle Pass for the season. As you earn more XP, you'll unlock rewards to be used on platform.